The English language is changing and adapting continuously and can vary grammatically between continents. Various versions of the bible referenced by this site have been developed over the years to ensure that the intended meanings of bible passages are preserved for contemporary readers. Preferred versions for this site have been those using gender neutral pronouns when the text is referring to all people generally. However a range of versions have been referenced in consideration of their ability to clearly convey their pertinent and intended meanings with regard to the topics being addressed.

Bible Translations and Versions

NIV        New International Version

NIV 84   New International Version 1984

ESV        English Standard Version

NASB     New American Standard Bible

NLT        New Living Translation

HCSB Holman Christian Standard Bible

GNB       Good News Bible

GW/GWT    GOD’S WORD Translation

KJV         King James Version (Authorised) Public Domain

NKJV      New King James Version

AMP       Amplified Bible

TPT The Passion Translation

NHEB New Heart English Bible Public Domain

WEB World English Bible Public Domain

ASV American Standard Version Public Domain

CSB Christian Standard Bible

NET New English Translation

GNT        Good News Translation

 REB Revised English Bible