
Basic objections to belief in God:

Many people conclude, on reflection, that the idea of the Christian God from the bible is not a reasonable belief and several issues seem to contribute to this conclusion. It is an aim of this site to offer some direction in understanding God’s agendas as they relate to such objections. The purpose is that faith may grow or, at the very least, that non-belief may have clearer understanding of what is being doubted or rejected.

Perspectives on particular issues raised here are more fully introduced on the page: Common 'objections' seen from a God perspective

Some objections you may identify with:


If God is good, why would he allow cruelty and suffering?

Cruelty and suffering as witnessed and experienced in this world do not seem consistent with the idea of a God of goodness, justice and love having created everything and being in control as the bible claims.

See discussion and further links on ‘Common objections in perspective’ page.

Related topics:
Problem of suffering: God has an enemy
An Enemy in Retreat


If there is a God in control, why does he not prevent evil and disaster?

For many people it seems self-evident that if there did exist an all-powerful God who is good, that he would surely intervene to prevent pain, suffering, disease, wars, atrocities and random disasters that inflict themselves on innocent people.

See discussion and further links on ‘Common objections in perspective’ page.

Related topics:
God’s good, acceptable, and perfect will
Why doesn't God 'do something'?


Why does God not provide clearer explanations for the existence of obvious and distressing problems in this world?

Counter arguments often put forward to explain the objections and apparent contradictions about God seem contrived and nothing more than lame excuses.

See discussion and further links on ‘Common objections in perspective’ page.

Related topics:
Finding meaning and making sense of suffering
Faith provides access to a God dimension that is unseen



Isn’t God by his actions and laws, as seen particularly in the Old Testament, shown to be harsh, cruel, and vindictive?

This doesn’t sound like a God we can believe in or would want to revere or be in the company of, but rather one to whom we could only relate in fear.

See discussion and further links on ‘Common objections in perspective’ page.

Related topics:
A God of Compassion, Mercy and Forgiveness
God has a Dilemma
From 'severity' of the Old Testament / Covenant to God's 'grace' in the New

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Why is there not more convincing evidence for God if we are supposed to ‘believe’ in him?

It is also believed that if God exists and that his requirement is that people should believe in him and live by his ways and laws, that he easily could and should produce more convincing evidence of His existence to erase all doubt.

See discussion and further links on ‘Common objections in perspective’ page.

Related topics:
How God reveals himself
God speaks a language of the heart
Barriers to knowing God
Reasonable grounds for God and faith?
The need to believe
Faith provides access to a God dimension that is unseen

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Why don’t Christian believers accept that other people have their own sincere beliefs?

There is also the problem of the many other beliefs and philosophies of this world – many that are sincerely held and bring benefit to people, as well as a multitude of religions and gods derived from long held beliefs and traditions within a wide diversity of cultural expression. To teach from the bible that there is only one true God is seen to be promoting narrow mindedness and intolerance instead of valuing diversity and accepting differences.

See discussion and further links on ‘Common objections in perspective’ page.

Related topics:
Reasonable grounds for God and faith?
Seeing from God’s Perspective
What God says about Himself
Discovering God’s Heart
Is there a positive in God's apparent fixation with 'sin'?

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Why should we believe in a religion of vested interests that has caused so much conflict and been so abusive and hypocritical?

This situation reinforces a growing perception of the Christian faith as being largely irrelevant, with no valid contribution to make in secular society. However, church history and credibility for personally adopting a position of faith are not the same thing.

See discussion and further links on ‘Common objections in perspective’ page.

Related topics:
Benefits of Faith
Warnings about consequences of unbelief are not motivated by hate
How should we respond?

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Isn’t it time to stop believing in ideas handed down for which there are no proofs?

To people who see some validity in the objections raised above, or feel that they would need significantly more reassurances about the existence of God - if by chance they were to believe in him - the idea of adopting beliefs on the basis of faith can seem delusional, and to fly in the face of reason and intelligence.

See discussion and further links on ‘Common objections in perspective’ page.

Related topics:
Seeing from God’s Perspective
What the Bible says about itself
God speaks a language of the heart
Barriers to knowing God
Benefits of Faith
Considerations on belief in God being not unreasonable

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If God created everything, then who created God?

This question raises an issue that seems to show that belief in God, as an explanation for the existence of this material world, has an obvious flaw. The logic would seem to be self evident that if he is claimed to be the beginning of everything, it begs the question as to how, then, did God begin.

See discussion and further links on ‘Common objections in perspective’ page.

Related topics:
What the bible says about God
God is Eternal - without beginning or end
What God says about Himself
Faith provides access to a God dimension that is unseen

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Next: Seeing from God’s Perspective