Rationale for Site


Basic aims and propositions


Coexisting Faith and Reason both


Belief, Faith and a Knowing of the Heart

God speaks a language of the heart

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Nature and Role of ‘Repentance’

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God offers ‘salvation’ - to life redeemed and transformed

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The need to believe

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Benefits of Faith when we choose to Believe

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God is improbable beyond human imagination

Comparison with ‘Gods’ that are made up by humanity

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Is there a positive in God's apparent fixation with 'sin'?

Why does God seem to take so much issue with shortcomings and ‘sin’?

Some further concepts:

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Paradoxical nature of God’s Truths

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Barriers to knowing God:

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Faith provides access to a God dimension that is unseen

An Unseen realm we relate to by faith

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Common ‘objections’ put in perspective

Common 'objections' seen from a God perspective

Basic objections about God:
Basic objections to belief in God: Some you may identify with:

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Why doesn't God 'do something' to end evil and suffering?

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Does God bring judgement on people because of sin?

Is there judgement for sin?

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God has a plan

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Next: Implications of Unbelief


God's invitations to an action of transaction

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What is God Like?


Gaining a God Perspective


The Problem of Suffering


God has a Dilemma

God has a Heart for Justice and those who offer it

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A God of Compassion, Mercy and Forgiveness

God’s heart of compassion, mercy and forgiveness

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God has a Dilemma

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Jesus came to bring reconciliation

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From ‘severity’ of the Old Testament / Covenant to God’s ‘grace’ in the New

The Covenants (Agreements/Contracts) of God

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An Enemy in Retreat

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Next: Belief, Faith and a Knowing of the heart


Implications of Unbelief

Warnings about consequences of unbelief are not motivated by hate

Implications of not paying heed to warnings

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Myth of being neutral about belief

Impossibility of remaining ‘Neutral’

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'Testing the Hypotheses'

A Testable Hypothesis: God is not 'hiding' from those who honestly and seriously seek for him

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Considerations on belief in God being not unreasonable

Considerations for why coming to know God by believing is not ‘unreasonable’

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How does God ‘reason’ with us?

How does God ‘reason’ with us

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How do we get faith?

How can we get the faith needed for knowing God?

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How can we know?

How can we know?

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Hearing and Responding to God's Heart


How should we respond?